Reclaim your
Inner Child

Transform your past
& recover your power
in just 6 weeks

don't miss the next enrollment!

Join the VIP list to be the first to know when Homecoming opens, and get a $100 gift code to transform your life.

  • "This work has allowed me to shift my mindset on how I relate to others and myself. It has given me awareness and the tools to grow and self-develop, and on a physical level, it's incredible how fast the body heals when doing this work. If you're reading this, don't think twice. Take the course you'll be glad you did."


does this sound familiar?

I have a tendency to…

  • Avoid conflict

  • Lack self-esteem

  • Be a people-pleaser

  • Struggle to say “no.”

  • Feel “not good enough.”

  • Be depressed or anxious

  • Lack focus and drive

  • Ignore or suppress my emotions

  • Be a super-achiever and do everything on my own

  • Cling to a relationship 

  • Give up my power to others

  • Repeat harmful patterns in relationships

  • Feel highly reactive and easily triggered by life and others

The above reflects real-life imbalances that stem from the original attachment wound and an inner child begging to be nurtured back to love and safety.

FOr the
ready to

release fear & shame

accept & Love herself

Manifest her dreams…

this course is for YOU!

I know what it’s like to choose self-harm and isolation to numb myself from the pains of my youth. From the lack of support I always felt and the years of being taken advantage of and quieted because of my female identification. Decades of being shamed for my sexuality and made to believe I don’t deserve greatness in my life.
I believed it all and carried the weight and the anger for so long!

It wasn’t until I discovered the true source of my pain, a silenced and neglected inner child still residing within me that guided my response to my days, that I started to notice a shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Through my renewed and strengthened connection with my inner child, I became free from the discomfort I’d grown to accept as my norm. The dis-ease that had manifested in my physical body and my relationships began to heal in ways I hadn’t previously been able to imagine. I learned how to alchemize all aspects of my life, experiencing them through a lens of love, and life started to get…Better! Lighter. A growing sense of genuine acceptance steadily made its way into my days, and I grew in my ability to recognize the magic that fills my life—the power at my root.

Inner child work can offer that same healing and liberation to you and your life! And this carefully crafted course offers you a guided path based on the path that led me to my healing and liberation. To a FemPowered way of being that I’m excited to share with you today.

take Your healing and
liberation to the next level

Join the VIP list to be the first to know when Homecoming opens, and get a $100 gift code to transform your life.

Homecoming, an
Inner Child journey

Homecoming is an intention-filled 6-week program segmented into six modules where you will peel back your layers week-by-week and set the stage for profound healing by integrating your wounds and understanding what they have to teach you.

The first week focuses on reconnection to your inner child and learning how to create a safe space within you. You’ll encounter memories that have long been suppressed and the emotions they’ve kept trapped in your body, processing and releasing their grip with the tools and guidance presented in this course. Most importantly, you’ll build trust back into your relationship with your inner child.

In the final five weeks of Homecoming, you will be guided through each stage of your development, ultimately reparenting Little You and reclaiming the power you came here to share with the world.

Make peace with the past because you are worthy of your love.-Marién

  • "Before I took the Inner Child course, I wasn't sure it was worth it. But I was sad, confused, and continually having the same situations pop up in my life. I also had extreme pain in my body. After doing the course all of these went away. I'm in awe of how it's all connected. Don't let fear keep you from healing. It's worth it."


what we'll be exploring

In Our 6 Weeks Together 


Week One: Reconnecting

In week 1, you will reconnect and build trust with your Inner Child. You will also introduce the Child to your Higher Self/Soul so that she and you may remember the divine partnership at the root of your wholeness in this lifetime.This is the most fundamental action you will take in this course and a fun experience.


Week Two: Mother & Father Wound

In week 2, you'll have the chance to begin the transformation of your original Mother Wound in Utero. In doing so, you will invoke a sacred honoring of her and your ancestors from a place of love and empowerment. You'll also work on the Father Wound that may actively be disempowering or blocking you from allowing healthy relationships in your life. This week, Elite students will explore a Family Constellation Workshop to heal these wounds further.


Week Three: Reclaiming Infant + Toddler

In this module, you will explore which of your infant and toddler needs were unmet and identify how often you feel the effects of the emotional gaps you may have experienced in this initial stage of your development. The techniques you will explore will guide you to understand how to translate your boundaries with yourself and those around you. Plus, you will experience the reclamation of your infant and toddler. During this week, Elite Students will join me for their first Live Coaching Session.


Week Four: Pre-Schooler + School Age

Week 4 will be used to identify the base of your issues with self-criticism, shame, self-esteem, all-or-nothing thinking, body image, sexuality, and the judgment and criticism of others. You will also review your relationships with peers, public speaking, ability (or lack thereof) to begin and complete projects, and comfort level with competition. Plus, you will experience the reclamation of your pre-schooler and school-age self. This week all private sessions will be held.


Week Five: The Homecoming!

In this module, you will reclaim your adolescent self by identifying areas where rebellion has reigned supreme. In doing so, you will be able to notice the source of your struggles to stand up for yourself. Then you will experience the Homecoming of your Inner Child! This week, Elite students will experience their second Family Constellation therapy to transform Intergenerational Trauma.


Week Six: Inner Child Reparenting

During the final week of this program, you will learn techniques and tools that will support you in championing your Inner Child, freeing yourself from emotional triggers, parental enmeshment, and soul contracts, and soothing away old traumatic memories. Elite Students will join me for their final Live Coaching Session!

  • "I was resisting this work initially, but thanks to the techniques used inside the Homecoming course, I opened up to this experience. Marien's support throughout this journey made a huge impact. She was always available when I needed guidance. This course allowed me to experience emotional healing around my parents. It gave me the tools, to be honest about who I am and what I want. This is a great course to help you connect to yourself more deeply. I’m grateful for this experience!"


Don’t miss the Next enrollment period.

Join the VIP list to be the first to know when Homecoming opens,
and get a $100 gift code to transform your life.

What’s Inside

What the Program Includes

Streaming videos




Mobile + tablet-friendly

Heal from comfort
& privacy of your home

Journey with your inner child at your own pace


Access TO PRIVATE FB COMMUNITY GROUP to receive and share support during your journey.



Learn how to prioritize yourself and set boundaries.


 Plus Even More! If you join as an Elite Student

You’ll Also Receive These Amazing Bonuses



Transform unresolved family
intergenerational trauma.

One Private 1:1

Support your healing journey with Light Language
DNA Activation & private mentorship.


Meet with Marien to receive extra support about the healing work that has been done in previous weeks.

the Elite option is for you, If you find value in exploring this profound journey with direct and committed guidance from an expert within a safe space.

  • "Before I did the Homecoming course, I felt very emotional and resistant, like I was fine; no work had to be done within me. This course changed my life 360 degrees. I was able to become sober and recognize if something is upsetting me and how to transform it. I have finally started to forgive myself and to live my life in alignment with my heart.”


As you go Through this Journey

The possibility of…

  • Finding your Voice

  • Feeling Accepted, Seen, & Heard

  • Reclaiming your Confidence

  • Setting Healthy Boundaries

  • Claiming your YES & Desires

  • Recognizing your Worth & Value

  • Experiencing Inner Peace

  • Gaining Clarity & Drive

  • Learning to Transform your Past & Emotional Hurdles into Personal Empowerment & Deep Healing

  • Knowing when to Welcome Support

  • Standing in your Fem Power

  • Choosing Healthier Relationships that are Aligned with your Values and Desires

Becomes a Reality!

  What are you waiting for?

Join the Vip List!

Be the first to know when Homecoming opens,
and get a $100 gift code to transform your life.

  Frequently Asked Questions 


Be the first to know when homecoming opens!

And get a $100 gift code to transform your life.