Choose Yourself

learn how to set Healthy boundaries.

sounds familiar?

I am always the one who takes care of other people.

I have a hard time saying no to others.

I often feel like I can't say what I want or need.

Some of my relationships are difficult and draining.

My feelings are easily hurt by criticism or disapproval from others.

I am tired and burnt out

I’ve lost interest in things that used to be fun for me

IF So, you’re
not alone and you’re
in the right place.

  • "This workshop made me realize that I haven't been clear and honest with myself. I gained the clarity to set boundaries with myself and others."

    — Camila


Don't wait another minute to do yourself this favor…

Master the Art of
Setting Boundaries

Feel confident in setting your limits to enjoy healthier relationships.

Why you need Boundaries

Boundaries allow you to express yourself genuinely and let others know when, where or how you don't feel comfortable or safe.

They allow you to engage in healthy relationships in your personal life and work.

Your beliefs help you set boundaries and limitations on what you perceive as reasonable behavior.

But setting boundaries can bring to light your hidden fears of being unloved, abandoned, too needy, or having someone mad and make you feel like what you are doing is wrong. 

Because boundaries bring to light past childhood wounds.

Learning what your boundaries are and how to set them are the ideal opportunity to reparent yourself and begin to heal your inner child.

Rewriting your unhealthy boundaries into empowering ones is essential if you want to create and pursue your desires.

You hold power to choose differently.

I am Marién, Your Guide!

After years of struggling…

To survive in this world and established self-preservation tactics that left me feeling disempowered and disconnected to my mind, body, and soul, I found myself on a path to true wellness and healing via the wisdom of inner child and womb work. 

Through dedication to inner child and womb work, specifically, I was able to address chronic pain that I’d dealt with for decades and begin to understand, process, and clear emotions that had long been trapped within the sacredness of my sacral spaces.

Emotions that had negatively affected my health, my relationships, my confidence, and my overall happiness and sense of stability in life

Fast forward to now, and I find myself here, honoring and celebrating my mission to help you do the same.

  • "I don't set boundaries because I feel unworthy. This workshop has shown me how to feel worthy of the boundaries I need. So thank you, this is a step in the right direction in how to set these boundaries and prioritize my inner child and me without guilt."

    — Rhea

What you get


6 Modules

Lesson 1: Boundaries Clarity
Lesson 2: Boundaries Insights
Lesson 3: Energetic Alignment
Lesson 4: Somatic Alignment Practice
Lesson 5: The Inner Child Wounds
Lesson 6: Communicating Boundaries


With the help of these worksheets, you will gain clarity around your boundaries.


This guide will support you in continuing to set boundaries in your life after the workshop.


Unapologetically Prioritize yourself!

▸ recognize What your healthy boundaries are, and how to set them

▸ know the Indicators of armor vs. healthy boundaries

▸ understand how to align yourself emotionally and energetically before embodying them

▸ heal your inner child wounds around the boundaries you are trying to implement 

▸ learn What to do when a boundary is not honored

  • "I take peace in knowing I can help others within my boundaries. This workshop clarified that choosing myself is the way to have healthier relationships."

    — Isabel


What are you waiting for?


Limited offer 50% off!


Frequently Asked Questions 


How long will I have access to the class?

As long as the internet exists, you will have access to the content.

What is the time commitment?

In just 2 hours, you will gain clarity around your boundaries and learn how to set them. But prioritizing yourself and honoring your boundaries requires practice. The Fempowering Workshop will give you the knowledge and tools that you need to start your journey, but YOU are the secret key to the transformation you want to experience.

How is the Workshop delivered?

The Workshop is delivered between 6 online modules, divided into 5 Videos Lesson (10-20 minutes) and 1 Audio Lesson (Guided Somatic Technique). A workbook is included to do the work as you experience the Workshop. 

You can go through the materials in one sitting, which is my recommendation (approx. 2 hours), or slow things down and work at your own pace. 

Will this workshop teach me how to communicate my boundaries?

Yes, during out time together not only will you learn how to explore what your boundaries are in every area of your life and how to align energetically before embodying them. You will also get clarity in how to communicate them with others and what to do when they are not honored.

What are the benefits of taking this workshop?

Benefits of the Fempowering Workshop include improved connection to the self, clarity around your boundaries, inner child healing and ultimately feeling confident to prioritize yourself and have healthier relationships.

What is the refund policy?

All sales on the Fempowering Workshop are final. There are no refunds.



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